Affect Normal fires - Influence Unexceptional Flames Alteration

Affect Normal fires - Influence Unexceptional Flames Alteration

 PHB: Page 64


Level: 1
Range: 1/2"/level
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: 3' diameter fire
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: none

This spell enables the magic-user to cause small fires - from as small as a torch or lantern to a large as a normal bonfire of 3' maximum diameter - to reduce in size and light to become match like or increase in light so as to become as bright as a light spell.  Reducing the fire will cut fuel consumption to half normal, and increasing the fire will double consumption.  Note that heat output is not altered in either case!

DMG: n/a

In My Campaign: No changes.

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