Burning Hands - Conflagrant Phalanges Alteration

Burning Hands - Conflagrant Phalanges Alteration

 PHB: Page 64-65


Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

When the magic-user casts this spell, jets of searing flame shoot forth from his or her fingertips.  Hands can only be held to send forth a fan-like sheet of flames as the magic-user's thumbs must touch each other and fingers must be spread.  The burning hands send out flame jets of 3' length in a horizontal arc of about 120° in front of the magic-user.  Any creature in the area of flames takes 1 hit point of damage for each level of the spell caster, and no saving throw is possible.  Inflammable materials touched by the fire will burn, i.e. cloth, paper, parchment, thin wood, etc.

DMG: n/a

In My Campaign: No change.

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