Comprehend Languages - Fathom Dialect Alteration

Comprehend Languages - Fathom Dialect Alteration

PHB: Page 65



Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Area of Effect: One written object or speaking creature
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, the magic-user is able to read an otherwise incomprehensible written message such as a treasure map (but not a magical writing, other than to know it is "magic") or understand the language of a speaking creature.  In either case, the magic-user must touch the object to be read or the creature to be understood, and the spell does not enable the spell caster to write or speak the language.  The material components of this spell are a pinch of soot and a few grains of salt.  The reverse, confuse languages, prevents comprehension or cancels a comprehend languages spell.

DMG: Page 44

The reverse, confuse languages, can be cast upon a scroll to make it unreadable, but a second comprehend languages spell will then succeed.

In My Campaign: No change.

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