Detect Magic - Ascertain Enchantment Divination

Detect Magic - Ascertain Enchantment Divination

PHP: Page 65


Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Area of Effect: 1" path, 6" long
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

The only differences between this spell and the first level cleric detect magic spell are noted above (duration, area of effect, and no material component).

PHB: Page 44

Cleric version

When the detect magic spell is cast, the cleric detects magical radiations in a path 1" wide and up to 3" long, in the direction he or she is facing.  The caster can turn 60° per round.  Note that stone walls of 1' or more thickness, solid metal of but 1/12' thickness, or 3' or more of solid wood will block the spell.  The spell requires the use of the clerics holy (or unholy) symbol.

In My Campaign: No change.

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