Enlarge - Aggrandize Alteration
PHB: Page 65Alteration
Level: 1
Range: 1/2"/level
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: Special
Component: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell causes instant growth of a creature of object. Enlargement causes increase in both size and weight. It can be cast only upon a single creature or object. Spell range is 1/2" for each level of the magic-user, and its duration is 1 turn per level of experience of the spell caster. The effect of the enlargement spell is to increase the size of a living creature (or symbiotic or community entity) by 20% per level of experience of the magic-user, with a maximum additional growth of 200%. The effect on objects is one-half that of creatures, i.e. 10% per level to a 100% maximum additional enlargement. The creature or object must be seen in order to effect the spell. The maximum volume of living material which can be initially affected is 10 cubic feet - for non living matter 5 cubic feet - per level of the magic-user. While magical properties are not increased by this spell - a huge +1 sword is still only +1, a staff sized wand is still only capable of its normal functions, a giant-sized potion merely requires a greater fluid intake to make its magical effects operate, etc. - weight, mass and strength are. Thus, a table blocking a door would be heavier and more effective; a hurled stone would have more mass (and be more hurtful, providing enlargement took place just prior to impact); chains would be more massive; doors thicker; a thin line turned to a sizable, longer rope; and so on. Likewise, a person 12' tall would be as an ogre, while an 18' tall person would actually be a giant for the duration of the spell. The reverse spell, reduce, will negate the effects or actually make creatures or objects smaller in the same ratio as the regular spell application functions. Unwilling victims of the spell, or its reverse, are entitled to a saving throw, which, if successful, indicates the magic does not function, and the spell is wasted. The material component of this spell is a pinch of powdered iron.
DMG: Page 44
All garments and equipment worn by a subject of this spell should be considered to automatically drop off if held by straps or fasteners, or otherwise to split away during growth, so it is not possible to "squeeze someone to death in their armor" by means of an enlarge. Material components possessed will not change size. Coats of mail, however, will be ruined if growth occurs while worn. Note that you can opt to make a target wearing objects an impossible task for an enlarge spell unless the character is actually touched to distinguish the creature from the object.
In My Campaign: The touch to distinguish the creature from the objects requires a roll to hit at the full armor class of the intended victim. Creatures enlarged to ogre or giant size get the appropriate strength while so enlarged.
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