Erase - Extirpate Chirography Alteration

Erase - Extirpate Chirography Alteration

PHB: Page 65-66


Level: 1
Range: 3"
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One scroll or two facing pages
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: Neg.

The erase spell removes writings of either magical or mundane nature from a scroll or one or two pages or sheets paper, parchment or similar surfaces.  It will not remove explosive runes or a symbol (see these spells hereafter), however.  There is a basic chance of 50%, plus 2% per level of experience of the spell caster with respect to magical writings, plus 4% per level for mundane writing, that the spell will take effect.  This represents the saving throw, and any percentile dice score in excess of the adjusted percentage chance means the spell fails.

DMG: Page 44

This spell might be useful against a glyph of warding.

In My Campaign: The area of effect of erase increases with the level of experience of the caster.  Area is increased every 4 levels, i.e. two scrolls or up to four pages or sheets at level 5, three scrolls or up to six pages or sheets at level 9, etc.  When cast by an 11th level or higher magic-user, erase has a 50% chance of being effective against explosive runes or symbol.

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